Thursday, 14 September 2017

It's a whopper!

On Friday 15th of September I'm off to Liverpool with a group of friends to take part in the UK X-Wing nationals!

It's going to be a long weekend with a departure from home at 05:00 on Friday and I'm expecting to make it back to my own bed around midnight on Sunday. The plan is hangar bay games on Friday (choosing 1 of two lists each round) followed by the main event on Saturday, probably 7 rounds of X-Wing, capped off with knockout rounds for the top 64 on Sunday or (more likely for me) more hangar bay games.

Me being me I'm still not entirely sure what ships I want to take, certainly Fenn Rau in his Protectorate starfighter and Asajj Ventress in the mighty Lancer pursuit craft.  But there my certainty ends! My brain is telling me to use a few more upgrades and Genesis Red in the M3a but my heart is saying to go with my much loved Sunny Bounder and a compromise with Inaldra (both in M3a's)

Lists of X-Wing squadron options
My two possible lists

There's just one more thing.  I'm also planning on squeezing in an imperial list in order to practice for the UK team championship next month, but I'll very likely leave that until Sunday hangar bay games.

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