- Casual players are kind of in it for the explosions, the cinematic experience or maybe just want to get out of the house for a few hours.
- Competitive players want to win, burn and/or crush all opposition and hear the lamentations of their
womensignificant other halves.
I should point out that these two categories are very broad with a lot of crossover and hybrids of the two.
Over the years I've seen many heated discussions about the two incarnations and their awkward match-up in game, I've been involved in a couple myself. I believe one of the problems is (for example) that casual players prefer thematic lists or builds, which can often be suboptimal and although whilst they definitely follow the 'rule of cool' will sometimes find themselves to be less equal than others.
On the other side of the coin are the competitive players, these are the ones who'll not necessarily follow a theme or historical formation, but they'll investigate the meta of the game in question and learn to (was going to say "exploit") maximise the use of effective options or units within the available parameters.
So, who's right and who's wrong?
I don't believe either side (or any hybrid) is wrong, both are very valid approaches to the vast majority of games and both can be very rewarding to those who seek the experience they offer. They can however quite often be wrong for each other!
When competitive meets casual it can often end in tears/rage but why?
This is generally because in most game systems a competitive and well structured force will beat a poorly structured force 9 times out of 10, regardless of the skill of the commanders involved. For example (in Bolt action) a force of inexperienced partisans whilst they may be very thematic and poorly equipped with pistols, shotguns and a handful of rifles are going to find it very difficult to fight off a force of well trained and equipped German FallschirmJager veterans with their wide array of weapons including the devastating assault rifle. The partisans might be a more realistic representation of some hapless chaps during WW2 and the FallschirmJager would represent a less realistic force, but optimised within the rules. So even though both sides are supposedly equal - one is more equal than the other and quite likely to win (barring atrocious luck.)
On the other side of the coin are the competitive players, these are the ones who'll not necessarily follow a theme or historical formation, but they'll investigate the meta of the game in question and learn to (was going to say "exploit") maximise the use of effective options or units within the available parameters.
So, who's right and who's wrong?
I don't believe either side (or any hybrid) is wrong, both are very valid approaches to the vast majority of games and both can be very rewarding to those who seek the experience they offer. They can however quite often be wrong for each other!
When competitive meets casual it can often end in tears/rage but why?
This is generally because in most game systems a competitive and well structured force will beat a poorly structured force 9 times out of 10, regardless of the skill of the commanders involved. For example (in Bolt action) a force of inexperienced partisans whilst they may be very thematic and poorly equipped with pistols, shotguns and a handful of rifles are going to find it very difficult to fight off a force of well trained and equipped German FallschirmJager veterans with their wide array of weapons including the devastating assault rifle. The partisans might be a more realistic representation of some hapless chaps during WW2 and the FallschirmJager would represent a less realistic force, but optimised within the rules. So even though both sides are supposedly equal - one is more equal than the other and quite likely to win (barring atrocious luck.)
- This peculiar system of unbalanced fairness is present in a great many game systems, in fact any system where you might be able to choose what your deck or army is going built from.
- For the casual player - they're going to be faced with min/maxing, rules lawyers, cheese mongers who are no fun and only here to "Win At All Costs".
- Whereas the competitive player is facing a historical buff or reckless fool who doesn't seem to know what they're doing (and possibly just wasting your time!)
So both are right AND both are wrong in varying degrees.
I like to think that a good example of an antithesis of these phenomena is the age old game of chess, both players will have exactly the same starting lineup and limited movement options. This will show if one player has a better tactical brain than the other. Also there's no luck via dice or cards in the game so there can be no "rubbish dice rolling."
I should add now that I am a casual player in any and all games I play, I often choose a force or get a "really cool idea" and run with it, regardless of its success or lack thereof. I choose to play things and lists that I like, sometimes this can work out for me, but I must admit - it generally doesn't :)